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Today, perhaps more than ever, Small to Mid-Size Manufacturers (SMMs) are faced with cash flow management challenges. The Cash Flow Analysis provides a model that helps you look at payroll, accounts receivable, and accounts payable with concise data and not emotion. This allows all the stakeholders to have a shared investment and to easily see how the forecast will affect them.
The disruption of the recent pandemic caused many hidden and risk oriented impacts to the foundation of manufacturers. The ability to quickly assess and identify the most significant drivers for the cost of doing business must be closely examined.
Develop a roadmap to see what the collateral position of your company will be based on assumptions made in the Cash Flow Analysis
Realize costs savings related to new/retained sales, workforce development, cost avoidance and workforce retention
Communicate to all stakeholders while navigating the cash flow needs on a weekly basis
Evaluates Paycheck Protection Program funds (if received), all debt service requirements, and allows you to easily look at your vendor base to help communicate a plan
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